26 May 2013

sunday afternoon playlist no.1

12 May 2013

5 things I don't give a s**t about!

In response to an article I read in Glamour magazine UK by Isy Suttie, I decided that for me too there was many things I quite frankly couldn't give a hoot about! I know it's cliche but life is too short - I can remember this time last year like it was yesterday and it doesn't seem long ago that I was welcoming in the new year! I think we all come to a point in our lives when we start doing things for ourselves and not for others; at 21 it has taken a few years to get to grips with this - I have finally learnt to go with my gut, take a few chances and know that even if I do fail (as I have so many a times!) at least I have tried - without that you can't possibly move forward. Onwards and upwards!

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